Hope His Bounty Hunting Can Support His 27 Kids AND His Raging Coke Habit...

As Dog the trash talking Racist prepares to defend himself on TV and save his A&E show, (TOO LATE, LEATHER FACE!) his ex-wife and many close to him are coming forward and painting a disturbing picture about the hate-filled bounty hunter.

Dog’s vicious racial outburst came as a shock to many, but it came as no surprise to those who have known him for years. They claim he has been using racist language as long as they can remember.

“I think Dog is a racist – no question,” Dog’s former wife, Lyssa Chapman, tells The National Enquirer. Lyssa was married to the bounty hunter from 1982-1991 and is the mother of three of his children, including Tucker, whose relationship with a woman of color prompted Dog’s venomous rant.

“He ran down every single minority group when I was with him, and n—er was a dailyword for him,” says his ex, Lyssa. “He called Mexican people ‘beaners’ or ‘wetbacks’ and Asian people ‘flangeheads.’ I would tell him not to talk that way in front of our kids, but he just ignored me.”

Lyssa recalled one particularly disturbing incident in Denver in which she says Dog lashed out at an interracial couple in a grocery store.

“Dog said to the woman, ‘I know that’s got to be your pimp! I know you wouldn’t be fucking him if you weren’t getting paid!’ They were husband and wife, but when the man started to object, Dog just went crazy, screaming at him, ‘I’ll kick your ass.’”

Dog also made his views clear to colleagues.

Peggy Munoz, now a private investigator in Lakewood, Colorado, was a former bail bondsman working the same turf as Dog from 1989 to 2005.

She claims Dog once sat in her office and explained his “approach” to the bail bond business.

“Dog said, ‘I don’t like to bond out n—-rs because they don’t have any money and I have trouble collecting on them. And I don’t like to bond out Mexicans because, well, they just run.’”

And, the final nail in his coffin….

Dog’s step-daughter Nicole Gillespie, daughter of one of his other ex-wives, Tawnee, says she regularly heard hateful language from Dog when she was growing up.

“My mother was half-Mexican, and if they fought, Dog would call her a ‘dirty spic whore’ and a ‘dirty Mexican slut,’” said Nicole. “That’s what he taught his kids was the right way to talk. When they got older, they had to un-learn the racism that Dog taught them. It’s sick. It’s like a disease, and it spreads.”

There’s not much explaining Dog can do.
By all accounts he’s a filthy racist! (oh, and a crackhead. Ha! Ha!)

Oh, and Dog? You might want to steer clear of the sun, and get a good moisturizer. You're looking pretty beat! Just trying to help, Julie