10 Old People and Ashton Kutcher

Ten old people got together for the opening of Planet Hollywood Resort and Casino in Las Vegas. Barbara Steisand and her dog performed there for a "private audience", her FAREWELL CONCERT! Ha! Ha! (the 56th one)

Ashton looks so happy to be included. He'd rather be anywhere else on earth right now. He's wondering what's poppin' down at the skate board park. Demi is always smiling so fake, like "Look! I'm an old bitch but my hot young husband just loves me!" Enjoy it, Demi. He's fadin' fast.

Danny Devito and Rita Pearlman look happy, not fake. Kevin Spacey has said Barbara is his top fave, so he's in heaven! Even Eddie Murphy and his new wife Tracy look thrilled to be there. Sly Stallone doesn't mind being forced to the back, as he knows he looks better from a distance anyway. I'm surprised Bruce Willis didn't have Ashton on his back, giving him a piggyback ride at Demi's insistence. UGH.

I love dogs. Love them, I have 5. Let me just say that. But do you really need to have your dog with you while you perform at a casino? I mean, you know the dog does not want to be there. I love how James is way in the back, where Barbara told him to go. Seriously, what is so great about Barbara's voice? She was pretty cool during her Bee Gees/Donna Summer disco stuff for awhile but Babs? Retire. Retire the show tunes at least. No, just retire. Stop saying goodbye and just go away. You're voice is pretty corny and so stale. The sixties and seventies are over