Blind Item

What you have here is a marriage between a female top 40 singer and another singer. They have made some visits to this space in the past. Mix this very strange married couple with an A list television star on a very hit dramedy. He is also no stranger to this space. So our A list actor starts hitting on the female singer right in front of the husband, behind the husband, around the husband. Everywhere. The husband has grown to being ignored and abused by his own wife so this is nothing new. What was shocking though was that apparently our female singer who dislikes men with a passion, finally had enough of the actor hitting on her and just reared back and kicked him right in the balls. No mincing words. She got him really good. Not quite, drop on the ground and call for mommy good, but close. Makes you wonder how many times the husband has suffered the same type of fate.
source: crazydaysandnights