Such Sweet Memories

From my friends over at Cityrag, some mouth watering photos of tempting school lunches. Who doesn't have fond memories of their school lunchroom, scented by the fragrant aroma of beefburgers and farts? When the warty old lunchlady would yell "CHOICE!" at me, and my choice was a giant spoon of peas or slimy carrots, I would bolt from the line, only to be chased around the lunchroom by her. When we would go to empty our trays, there was this gigantic freak who stood by the trash with his tray out, asking for our food. He had bad breath and his name was Mooch. By the tenth grade, we all went to Hardees for lunch. But, sadly, I was banned from the lunchroom by this time, for changing the upcoming menus on the chalkboard.