When Paula Abdul was asked her opinion on Britney's "comeback", she replied, "Where's the Vicodin?!" "We always have time for Britney, we love her."

Um... is she kidding? She might be the ONLY person who really is crazier than Britney. Anyone who has seen her show knows that in the world of the trainwreck, she's the worst one of all. She makes Anna Nicole look normal. Here's the obvious thing: people don't just act the way they do. They are all on drugs. Most of the time, you can't figure out exactly what kind, because they're on all kinds. Then, all the people around them make excuses, "Oh, they are under such stress.. they are exhausted.. she has insomnia.." COME ON. Drugs, drugs, drugs. Prescription drugs are way more powerful than street drugs, and yet publicists and suck-ups continue to use that as an excuse too.