Lindsay's Lesbian Girlfriend Sues My Idol

Perez Hilton will be questioned by attorneys about a story he published claiming DJ Samantha Ronson put cocaine in Lindsay Lohan’s car after her infamous crash.

Ronson is suing Hilton for defamation after he posted a story that first appeared on The story claimed she planted cocaine in Lindsay’s Mercedes after she crashed into a palm tree back in May. It also accused Ronson of setting up Lindsay to be photographed while passed out in the passenger seat of her car.

Ronson said:
“I am not now and have never been a drug user. I have never handled or touched cocaine. I did not ever place any cocaine at any place at any time
Perez’s lawyers are saying that Perez made sure the story was “accurate and trustworthy” before he published the information. He adds that even if the published information was incorrect, Ronson must prove that Perez was being malicious.

“He stands by his actions as being legal and proper and believes that the First Amendment protects him. The judge at this point found that they didn’t provide any evidence of malice … so the judge was going to give them one more bite of the apple” by allowing the attorneys to question him.

I love the attitude Perez has when he hears about another lawsuit! He just smiles and says "Get in line." That's why he's my idol.

“If Ms. Ronson is attempting to get some sort of relief in court and to show that Mario Lavandeira had any malice, I think she’s going to a hardware store for milk. It’s just not going to happen.

source: Celebrity Smack