Britney's Dad Says She's "Coming Around"

Jamie Spears spoke to the press yesterday about how hard it has been.
Britney had called her dad four times during the early afternoon on Sunday requesting him to come to the UCLA Medical Center to visit her. Regretfully, he was working a catering job, and couldn’t get away.

Jamie told press that when he finally arrived at the medical facility, Brit was lying in her bed. When he bent over to kiss her, she turned her head away. He told her “I love you,” but she replied, “No you don’t. The Doctor told me you are keeping me in here.”

After a nurse assured Britney that it was actually the hospital that was keeping her there, she pleaded with Jamie, “Come on, daddy, let’s get out of here. Take my hand and let’s walk out of here together.” Jamie told her “I wish I could, but I can’t.”

Then Britney asked her father to help her get some property back from Sam Lutfi, who had wrongfully taken it. He said he would help her

I can't wait until they GET RID OF LUFTI FOR GOOD