This picture of Paris Hilton's manager, Elliot Mintz, has not been retouched in ANY WAY. He threw Paris an early birthday party last night. WTF?! is wrong with him? Doesn't anybody know how to use fake tanner? Do they actually pay people to spray this crap on them, and don't they see how they look? UGH I mean he's sickening! There are so many things wrong here (his glistening suit, pink hued lips, far away look in his eyes, etc.) that I don't even get it!

Paris tried to keep Wonky covered with her hair again. She didn't have much fun at her party. The pink haired, tiara-clad tramp happily posed for pictures when she arrived, but left looking decidedly glum. As Paris exited the West Hollywood hotspot, she held hands with her lesbian friend, Brittny Gastineau while publicist Elliot Mintz kept a steady hand on his client’s shoulder. Hope he didn't smear her lovely frock with that brown crap that he's covered with! FREAKS