Britney Gets Dizzy, Sam Texts Brit's Boyfriend to Dissapear

Britney tells the paps she's scared and dizzy after they gave her a shortcut

Adnan, Brit's boyfriend, recieves a chilling text message from Sam!

Britney went shopping at her favorite drugstore late last night

Britney Spears' loser sidekick, Sam Lufti, sent a series of angry messages to boyfriend Adnan Ghalib warning the photographer that he was 'killing her' after the singer's latest public breakdown. Last night when Sam told her that her life was in danger, she angrily left in her new Mercedes.

Brit took the black Benz out for a spin last night when one of the paps gave her a "short cut" to get home. The short cut was through the hills and Brit got scared. She got out of her car and started saying how she was "dizzy" and "scared" from being too close to the edge. She started whining about it and the paps agreed to lead her home.
She spoke in that weird British accent the whole time