Valerie Bertinelli: A Fat, Dumpy, Coke Snorting Cheater

Any excuse to post this pic!


Jenny Craig spokeswhore, Valerie Bertinelli, will appear on Monday's Oprah on the same day her tell all book, Losing It: And Gaining My Life Back One Pound at a Time, hits stores. In the juicest gossip of 1984, Bertinelli will reveal that she cheated on her ex-husband of 24 years and that she snorted cocaine.

Ex-wife of the super sizzlin' Eddie Van Halen,
eddie and val: marital bliss

Oprah asks, "So you got married?" And Valerie responds, "And passed out in the honeymoon suite." Valerie also tells the talk show queen: "I cheated, too. He claims to this day that I cheated first, but I don't know. I don't know about the timing."

Dear Val,
You are a boring, corny, fat freak who was in a really corny show a really long time ago. You named your son WOLFGANG and he is big and fat just like you. You are faking like you lost forty pounds when your hips are still ginormous, and you are engaged to a guy that has four incidents of domestic battery against him, the last when he put his wife in the hospital. You are really, really cool
! P.S. You were NEVER "hot"