Star Jones Pulls The Plug On Her Fairytale Marriage to Big Gay Al

Star Jones is finally divorcing her husband, Big Gay Al Reynolds, saying she is dissapointed because he is... well, gay. You and Big Gay sure are laughing hard, Star! And so are we! But we're not laughing with you, we're laughing at you because you insisted on marrying an extra gay man, whose nickname is and was Big Gay Al.

Why do you, and other women like you think it is a good idea to marry a gay man? Is it for the tickle fights and the toe painting? Do you believe you can change who they are? Is it for the mutual love of shopping and gossip? Whatever the reason, you are all idiots. But I thought you knew everything! AFTER ALL, You ARE AN ATTORNEY. Remember that? Hahahahah!!!!!!
Catching Big Gay Al poolside with this rotund fellow was the last straw for Star, who had finally had it with Big Gay Al's homo antics. She knew Al "had been gay in the past" but said that was okay with her, because she knew "that part of his life was over." Hahahahah!!!!!!!

Star's incessant bragging made it seem like she had self esteem, but this wasn't the case at all. Because of her life long obesity, no man had ever paid any attention to the gigantic beast..that is, until Big Gay Al came along and swept her off her hooves.
One gay husband was not enough for Liza Minelli, as her previous husband was a gay tap dancer
A master at damage/spin control, when Travolta's lover of two years, a male porn star, was set to come forward with his story, John instantly joined the church of Scientology and married Kelly Preston out of nowhere, allowing him to play major leading men roles in Hollywood, something that could not have happened if he appeared gay.
In Canada, while filming "Hairspray," John was caught giving a lingering kiss to this dude
Travolta’s lawyer Martin Singer subsequently made the following statement: “As a manner of customary greeting and saying farewell, Mr Travolta kisses both women and men whom he considers to be extremely close friends. People who are close to Mr Travolta are aware of his customary, non-romantic gesture.”