"Look at Us! Don't You Wish You Could Be As Cool As Us?!"

Tom and Oprah
Tom needed new shocks on his motorcycle after taking potato pancakes for a spin. Too bad the two of them didn't go off the edge of a cliff, they are the most repulsive egomaniacs on earth. She thinks she's God and he believes he is the leader of the new galaxy. UGH.

Only two more days until the big kiss ass interview, but I'll be watching anyway. I haven't watched Oprah for years, her self righteous smugness turns my stomach, but I will make an exception for this. She won't ask a single tough or real question, but we'll still get to see that flicker of pure insanity in his eyes when he rambles on about Scientology, and we'll watch his acting skills go into overdrive when he speaks of his "love" for the towering robot girl.

Oprah and Tom