Read about Valerie's nightmare struggle with... Poppers!
How desperate for something to read would you have to be to buy Valerie's book? The excerpt was the corniest thing I've ever read, and Valerie is beyond corny.

I don't know if I can even think of a word to accurately describe her. She gives me chills of embarrassment for how corny she is.
Excerpt from "Losin'It" (even the title of her boring book is corny)
"In this book, you won't find me professing to have all the answers to life's problems. (OH!!! Because that's why I was going to read it, to try to gain insight into some of your all powerful wisdom.)
"Hey, I'm still trying to figure out most of those. Instead this story is about the choices I've made, good and bad, and how I've grown and learned from them. There are also exciting times,(Oh, I'll bet, what are they?") emotional moments, and life as it happened. Through it all, you'll get me uncensored and unfiltered—the good,(marrying Eddie-best thing that ever happened to you or you would have been long forgotten!)

(No thanks. Not interested.)
"Some people measure depression by the medication they take or the number of times per week they see a therapist. For me, it was different. I measured my depression with baked jalapeño-and-cheddar-cheese poppers, the brand that advertises itself with the slogan "Bring home the fun."

"I'd love to meet the person who came up with that line and ask him a question. Is it really fun to see yourself blow up three dress sizes? (Oh hahahaha!!! LIKE HE TOLD YOU TO EAT A BOX EVERY NIGHT YOU FAT FREAK)

"I suppose they wouldn't sell as many if their slogan was "Pack on the pounds." On the other hand, they may do OK with a promotion that said "Forget your ex-husband" or "Eat these instead of having sex—since nobody wants to see your fat bare ass." (Oh wow you are really clever and funny, you should be an ad exec! I bet Poppers will want you for their spokeswoman now, just like Jared with Subway)
"During the cold winter months of 2002–03, when I was making Touched by an Angel in Utah, those jalapeño-and-cheese poppers

It was true. There were nights when I OD'd on those poppers.

Wolfie is three times the size of Eddie, yet Valerie claims "Wolf is my priority." It sounds to me like Poppers were.

About Living a Lie

"Those were some of the darkest days of my life, and I was eating my way through them.

By 2001 my marriage to Eddie Van Halen was over after more than twenty years of competing with his rock-and-roll lifestyle for attention. Our fights about his drinking had taken a toll. Discussing and solving our problems used to bring us closer, but now it wore us out. Ultimately, when he failed to help himself by giving up cigarettes after mouth cancer had threatened his life, I knew, sadly, that one way or another I was going to end up on my own.

"By then I was working and living in Utah eight months of the year. Full of anger and frustration, I spent at least three nights a week on a plane so I could see our ten-year-old son, Wolfie, who stayed home in Los Angeles to be in school with his friends. That wasn't the way I wanted to live or the type of person I wanted to be. But instead of helping myself, I did the opposite. I ate my misery and turned my misery into a reason for eating."
Overweight, alone, and horribly depressed, I kept eating poppers

Wolfie is real fat with acne

I've never seen so many lame prop poses in all my life

Oh this was a good idea

By any standard, I've enjoyed a charmed life. Even though I gained notoriety by working on TV, I shunned the spotlight in favor of a normal life, driving carpools, volunteering in my son's classroom, making dinner, (making Poppers) and trying never to miss my monthly book club get-togethers.(Oh god you're boring) Of all the roles I've undertaken, none has been more satisfying than motherhood. I'm as much of a regular gal (Okay please go away.. far away) as people seem to expect—and I like it that way.
Great! Now GO AWAY

If you walked into my house right now, you'd find my cat Dexter lounging on the sunny floor in the kitchen,

Tom (who was convicted of domestic assault three times and went to prison twice...hot!)
on the phone in the backroom,

and me working the crossword puzzle, AS IS my daily routine. (YOUR. ROUTINE.) Ahhhhhhh!!!!!!!

I love how your BOYFRIEND stands!

I like where you go! The premiere of Ratatouille !

Bertinelli, discussing Eddie's mouth cancer, tells Ladies' Home Journal: "The guy has mouth cancer, gets part of his tongue cut out, and he still insists cigarettes have nothing to do with it."
How sick to call your husband "THE GUY." Like you're SO COOL!
P.S.S. Stop talking about "Touched By an Angel', no one remembers it. It was corny like you, and it is stale like you too. In fact, just quit talking now. You're boring beyond belief. Thanks.