How Rude!
Abused Miniature Dwarf Goes To Court
“When you pick up a 2′8″ human dwarf and throw him to the floor, it hurts.” said Troyer's attorney.
Kate Hudson is a Desperate Slut
Why did Lance Armstrong end it with Kate Hudson? The same reason every other man does. She's a bitchy know-it-all, and a clingy whiner.
Seems the Tour de France champ and cancer survival poster boy was feeling a bit ‘’smothered” by the actress. According to an Armstrong associate at his Livestrong charity foundation, the sports hero felt Hudson was ”just too needy,” and was coming on ”too strong, too fast … sensing Kate was way too desperate, a woman who clearly can’t be on her own without a man in her life at all times.”
He may have a point. Hudson always seems to escalate her relationships quickly — even turning things into familylike outings with her son Ryder ever-present, as he has been with Armstrong and with Hudson’s last flame, Owen Wilson.
One thing Armstrong reportedly liked about ex-girlfriend Sheryl Crow — and one reason that relationship lasted as long as it did — was that ”Sheryl’s one very independent woman. … Lance liked that,” said the source. But he's such a creepy weasel that he broke up with her when he found out she had cancer. What a guy. UGH.
Kate's stinky ex Chris Robinson and Ryder
In other big news, Kate has powerful B.O., as she won't wear deodorant, and her son wants his hair cut.
Coke Monster Blohan Thrown Out of Party
Trailer whore Dina Lohan got herself and her hideously UGLY daughter Ali kicked out of the after party for the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2 premiere.”
Of course Dina claims she wasn’t kicked out — she voluntarily left the party because a studio staffer “raised his voice” at her. Oh dear!!
E! Online’s Marc Malkin says:
Sources report that when coke slut Dina, Ali and a friend of Ali’s arrived to the after-party, they sat down at a reserved table. A studio staffer politely asked her to change tables, but “Long Island tramp Dina “went crazy as if she were some sort of celebrity,” a partygoer tells me. She was screaming, "I'm ready to rumble, bitches!"
“It so wasn’t cool.”So not cool that “Dina was thrown out” from the rooftop soirée , another source says. Dina, however, claims she decided to ditch the party because she says that the studio staffer started raising his voice.
“He made the girls uncomfortable,” Dina wrote in an email to me this afternoon. “At that point, the girls wanted to leave.” Um... what were 13 year old girls doing at a soirée anyway? uGH.
Jessica: A Failure at Everything
Next up for the talentless cow? She'll attempt to write a children's book, then pose for Hustler magazine. Corny loser Jessica Simpson continues to make everyone hate her with statements like this:
"Tonight there's this guy here, he throws a football and he's really good at it. He's my better tomorrow and I wrote this song for him." - J. Simpson on her song "You're My Sunday," dedicated to Tony Romo at Country Thunder USA, where fans booed.
Asshole Thinks This is Something to Brag About
“It’s funny. I keep hearing Ashton Kutcher say how he was responsible for trucker caps. I’ve heard him make that statement before.
Trace and I were wearing them when we were seventeen. We just kind of didn’t care. We kind of still don’t.”
Donald Trump said:
"Rosie is a big, sad, fat failure. She's a slob and has no talent, yet she keeps forcing herself on us, the same way she forces food into her obese body. She's a very sick woman, and I don't know a single soul alive who can stand her. She is so awful to look at that no one will watch her show. I would feel sorry for her, but she's a disgusting pig. I will enjoy watching as her show is canceled after a few gut wrenching installments. She is very obnoxious, and probably the ugliest person I know. She's very fat and no one likes her. She thinks she's cool, which is deeply tragic. Her armpits smell like red onions. And she's really evil, not a nice person at all."Abusive and violent to her lover and her kids, sweathog O'Donnell is shown here with cut all over her big fat hands
Rosie has a winning smile, very natural and warm
Fat Pig O'Donnell has a fashion sense that's up to the minute! Here, she "sizzles" in a plum print duster, paired with some faded black sweat clothes, which leave nothing to the imagination!
The Hogans Are Such Idiots
Amy O.D.'s, Chicken Cures Her

Paramedics were careful with the delicate , freshly washed beauty as they took her to the hospital at 3:45 A.M.
The many faces of Amy, all hauntingly beautiful
Amy's dad brought KFC to the hospital, and she was released a few hours later
Amy's Wacky Weekend
Amy punches the metal grill outside a shop
She began the night in high spirits, squirting water with a high-powered jet from her garage at fans gathered outside her Camden, north London, home shortly before 1am.
About half an hour later she stumbled to a live music bar Stables at Camden's Proud Galleries.
She started running to the club with a mystery pal, telling photographers she was going to take them on a trip round the back streets.
She also told them - bizarrely - their mothers would like her because 'it kept it interesting'. Huh?
After her burst of crack fueled energy Amy needs a sit down
Before she got to the club she slumped down outside a shop, pushing her security guard away.
Madonna is haggard, old, and ugly. I personally know 50 year old's who are way hotter and younger looking than her, and they don't have 300 million dollars.
Lourdes and the crypt keeper attend a Kabbalah meeting