Kate Hudson is a Desperate Slut

Why did Lance Armstrong end it with Kate Hudson? The same reason every other man does. She's a bitchy know-it-all, and a clingy whiner.

Seems the Tour de France champ and cancer survival poster boy was feeling a bit ‘’smothered” by the actress. According to an Armstrong associate at his Livestrong charity foundation, the sports hero felt Hudson was ”just too needy,” and was coming on ”too strong, too fast … sensing Kate was way too desperate, a woman who clearly can’t be on her own without a man in her life at all times.”

He may have a point. Hudson always seems to escalate her relationships quickly — even turning things into familylike outings with her son Ryder ever-present, as he has been with Armstrong and with Hudson’s last flame, Owen Wilson.

One thing Armstrong reportedly liked about ex-girlfriend Sheryl Crow — and one reason that relationship lasted as long as it did — was that ”Sheryl’s one very independent woman. … Lance liked that,” said the source. But he's such a creepy weasel that he broke up with her when he found out she had cancer. What a guy. UGH.

Kate's stinky ex Chris Robinson and Ryder

In other big news, Kate has powerful B.O., as she won't wear deodorant, and her son wants his hair cut.