Sad and Sweet

“Please respect our need to grieve privately. My heart is broken. I am the mother of the most tender-hearted, high-spirited, beautiful little girl who is the spitting image of her father. All that I can cling to is his presence inside her that reveals itself every day. His family and I watch Matilda as she whispers to trees, hugs animals, and takes steps two at a time, and we know that he is with us still. She will be brought up in the best memories of him.”
Michelle Williams speaks out for the first time about the death of her former fiance and the father of her child, Heath Ledger.
Courtney Love Knows The Exactitudes!
“I know the exactitudes of what’s going on, having been there,” Love said.
“Here is what’s gonna happen if she doesn’t get help — something very, very bad is gonna happen,” Love explained of Britney. “Marilyn Monroe was strapped to a gurney too, but other then me and Britney, no one else has ever been strapped to a gurney.”
Howard Hopes to Cash In On Death Photos of Anna's Son

Leech Howard K. Stern took several photographs of Daniel Smith's lifeless body, thinking he could make a profit on the morbid shots, a former companion of Anna Nicole Smith's testified Wednesday during the ongoing inquest into her 20-year-old son's 2006 death.
G. Ben Thompson, the South Carolina real estate developer who owned the waterfront house in the Bahamas where Smith and Stern stayed for about five months with Smith's newborn daughter Dannielynn, said that Stern told him the pictures "might be worth some money one day."
"I was totally shocked he was taking pictures of a dead child laying in that bed," Thompson said.
Two Huge Stars Go To The Hair Salon
Britney's Latest Tantrum. BORING.
Brit with her huge bags of pooping pills the same day she was committed

According to TMZ, who has well placed insiders in the nut ward, Brit had a major meltdown after learning Papa Spears was in charge of her finances . She reportedly went into a rage over the phone. British Brit screamed into the phone, "I'm so sick of all of this they can have the goddamn house and stick it up their fucking asses. Actually, no they can't." Wow, I didn't know that British Britney used language like that.
She started screaming about how they can't go near her house and she was going to court to fight them. She apparently thought she was being turned loose last night. She was screaming at the top of her lungs, at times impossible to understand. At one point she screamed, "Nobody's taking my house. Who is my family?" Britney said she did not want her parents near her home and at one point said she would go to court to fight them." Oh, she'll fight for her house, but doesn't care at all about her kids.
Sam Lutfi currently has a restraining order against him and he has to stay away from Brit for 22 days. He may be working with Brit's law firm, Trope and Trope, and they may challenge Jaime Spears being the conservator of Brit's money on Monday's hearing.
Someone needs to just kill Sam. I mean, all the Spears deserve eachother, and I don't care what happens to any of them. If you take away Britney's mental illness and drug use, she's still a self centered, ridiculous, talentless bitch. And nomental illness or amount of drug use, no matter how severe, could make me not care about my kids, so, for that alone, I have really come to hate her. I even have sympathy for this old man with a long pointed beard that lives in a cave near me.. but not for her. Sam, though.. who the F does he think he is? GO AWAY, LOSER. Like he is entitled to any more of her money! I still don't know where the hell he even came from.

According to TMZ, who has well placed insiders in the nut ward, Brit had a major meltdown after learning Papa Spears was in charge of her finances . She reportedly went into a rage over the phone. British Brit screamed into the phone, "I'm so sick of all of this they can have the goddamn house and stick it up their fucking asses. Actually, no they can't." Wow, I didn't know that British Britney used language like that.
She started screaming about how they can't go near her house and she was going to court to fight them. She apparently thought she was being turned loose last night. She was screaming at the top of her lungs, at times impossible to understand. At one point she screamed, "Nobody's taking my house. Who is my family?" Britney said she did not want her parents near her home and at one point said she would go to court to fight them." Oh, she'll fight for her house, but doesn't care at all about her kids.
Sam Lutfi currently has a restraining order against him and he has to stay away from Brit for 22 days. He may be working with Brit's law firm, Trope and Trope, and they may challenge Jaime Spears being the conservator of Brit's money on Monday's hearing.
Someone needs to just kill Sam. I mean, all the Spears deserve eachother, and I don't care what happens to any of them. If you take away Britney's mental illness and drug use, she's still a self centered, ridiculous, talentless bitch. And nomental illness or amount of drug use, no matter how severe, could make me not care about my kids, so, for that alone, I have really come to hate her. I even have sympathy for this old man with a long pointed beard that lives in a cave near me.. but not for her. Sam, though.. who the F does he think he is? GO AWAY, LOSER. Like he is entitled to any more of her money! I still don't know where the hell he even came from.
Lufti Calls Brit's Parents Hillbillies, But They Will Control Her Money For Now

Lynne Spears on her way to court

Britney's dad, Jaime Spears, has been given temporary conservatorship over her financial assets along with a lawyer.
Jaime was also granted a civil restraining harassment order against Sam Lutfi for 22 days. The Judge felt Sam was harassing Brit and he has to stay away from her.
Jaime can also change all the locks at her house, kick out whoever might be living there and decide who visits her in the hospital.
There will be another hearing on Monday. Today's hearing was attended by Jamie and Lynne Spears. Sam Lutfi didn't show.
Sam ran his mouth to UsWeekly, “Oh boy, her family is crazy! It's funny because that's what the doctors say when they meet the family. They always come back and say, ‘You know, her problems are inherited, right?’ It’s just so sad. It's shared equally from both of her parents.”
Sam said they tried the intervention several times and Thursday was their fourth. “Brit's parents show up to the house like hillbillies, texting me. I find out that they’re outside, and they go, ‘You better let me in the gate, you ass.’ So I go, to Britney, ‘Your parents are here, let them come in and yell at you and scream at you. If anything else goes on, I'll throw you in my car and take you out of here.’ She said, ‘OK, fine, baby.’ I let them in. Instead of going to see how Britney is, they come bouncing through the doors. They scream at me, ‘Why the fuck are you talking to Barbara Walters!' I swear to God that's all they were saying.
“The dad pushed me in the chest and said, ‘Get the fuck out of here.’ The dad gave up and then the mom tried to talk to her, but Lynne was like, ‘I gotta get my beauty sleep, I gotta get my nails done, I gotta do my hair.’ It was just so sick."
Britney Requests an In-N'-Out Burger in Hospital

Britney Spears' parents, Lynne and Jamie, spent the entire day with their daughter following an early morning intervention Thursday.
They arrived at UCLA Medical Center around 11 a.m. and left in separate vehicles around 8:35 p.m. shortly before visiting hours ended at 9 p.m.
Lutfi showed up around 8:03 p.m. with bags from In-N-Out Burger, which he said the singer had requested. She wanted them to take 6 Double Doubles and make them into one giant burger, so that's what Sam brought her.
Lutfi told press, (outside the hospital) “Her mother is not someone who cares about her daughter, she’s only concerned with herself. Sad but true. She was too busy getting a manicure to come over yesterday, despite her daughters pleas. Sad, very sad.”
Fiddy Makes Whore Hilton Cry!
"Did you hear what he just called me?!"

Paris Hilton hosted a pre-Super Bowl party for 944 magazine last night in Phoenix. 50 Cent performed but wasn't feeling the Paris skank. PageSix.com reports that Paris started dancing near the stage and then got up there to dance with 50. He yelled at her, "Get the fuck off the stage, whore!"
Paris got off the stage and started crying. She told the party's producers that it was her party and that she wanted to dance, in her spoiled little bitch voice. They said "Ya, but not on Fiddy's stage." LOL!

Paris Hilton hosted a pre-Super Bowl party for 944 magazine last night in Phoenix. 50 Cent performed but wasn't feeling the Paris skank. PageSix.com reports that Paris started dancing near the stage and then got up there to dance with 50. He yelled at her, "Get the fuck off the stage, whore!"
Paris got off the stage and started crying. She told the party's producers that it was her party and that she wanted to dance, in her spoiled little bitch voice. They said "Ya, but not on Fiddy's stage." LOL!
The Resemblance is Uncanny!
Britney Screaming in Her Sleep For Married Loser Boyfriend

Screams can be heard throughout the night in the psych ward of the hospital where Britney is locked up, and now, some of those screams belong to her. Britney has been crying in her sleep for her British boyfriend as she struggles to adapt to life at a Los Angeles psychiatric hospital.
Britney screamed her way through her first night in UCLA's psychiatric ward. Did she scream for her children? No.
"She introduced Adnan, who is MARRIED, as her "boyfriend" to nurses when she was admitted, and she hasn't stopped crying for him ever since. She was screaming for him in her sleep."
Britney had not slept for five days before being committed, endured a traumatic first night under psychiatric care following her hospitalization.
"She hasn't adjusted well," the source said, adding: "The first night, she barely slept. She was up most of the night screaming for Adnan."
Ghalib and Britney had been dating for a whole month! The photographer has been embroiled in a bitter feud with the singer's manager, Sam Lutfi, who even claimed that Spears "would die" if she did not call off their romance.
After arriving at the UCLA Medical Center around 2.15am on Thursday, Brit spent the following two hours screaming hysterically at her parents and staff, according to reports.
Britney accused her mother of wanting to sleep with Ghalib.
Oh Shut the Hell Up, Big Girl

Defamer has a copy of a letter sent by Kirstie Alley's legal team to UsWeekly. Kirstie is furious at a Scientology joke that ran in their issue. The joke was made in the Fashion Police section against Nicole Kidman for wearing that hideous silver suit to a premiere. The joke went like this, "Bonus: This specifically designed suit repels Scientologists." The joke was made by comedienne and author, Danica Lo. Kirstie wants UsWeekly to cut off Danica and not use her anymore.
"Would you have published this comment if it were Jews, Muslims or Christians who were singled out for ridicule by Ms. Lo? Scientology's principal difference from these other religions is its age, which apparently you feel gives you license to publish unfair and bigoted statements about its followers. Hostility against people of faith based solely on their religious beliefs is a poison you are help spreading." Kirstie Alley, big, fat Scientoligist
So Yummy

Because I know you saw the other shots and wanted more, here are a couple more gay pics of Pete and Wolf. I love how Wolf's foot is out like he's in dreamland, and the gazing into each other's eyes. They were shot by photographer Andrew Kendall and show Doherty making out with Peter Wolfe (known by Wolfman), one of Doherty's "best friends" who co-wrote the song "For Lovers".
Wonkey Eye is a Lesbian

Paris Hilton and actress Elisha Cuthbert were "all over each other and making out" at New York's Tenjune club Tuesday night, a source tells Us magazine. Paris was seen slurping Elisha's face and dancing on the tables with her gigantic man feet. Lazy eyed Paris will have sex with anyone or anything, just like Lindsay Lohan.
Crusty Old Hugh Makes the Ultimate Sacrifice

"To be perfectly frank, I have unexpectedly fallen in love. It is the relationship with Holly that will probably last forever. The others (Bridgette and Kendra) will last for as long as they want it to last before going on with their careers and lives.".... EIGHTY THREE YEAR OLD Hugh Hefner
Wow, Holly, your boyfriend is really cool! He is really making the ultimate commitment to you! It must be really difficult for him to say your relationship will PROBABLY last forever, especially when he has at least 4-5 years left to live, AND HE PLANS ON KEEPING HIS OTHER TWO GIRLFRIENDS. Hugh's unselfish devotion to you is so touching, and he is so hot too.
Pete's Passion With Greasy Haired Pal Named Wolf
Pete was off drugs for awhile, but gained too much weight

Pete Doherty has added fuel to the persistent speculation that he indeed is gay after gossip site Perez Hilton made photos of him kissing Wolf public.
The troubled rocker is on a bed with another musician simply identified as Wolf. The oily twosome were photographed sharing a passionate kiss, and then, overcome by desire, Wolf kisses the Babyshambles frontman on the neck.

Pete Doherty has added fuel to the persistent speculation that he indeed is gay after gossip site Perez Hilton made photos of him kissing Wolf public.
The troubled rocker is on a bed with another musician simply identified as Wolf. The oily twosome were photographed sharing a passionate kiss, and then, overcome by desire, Wolf kisses the Babyshambles frontman on the neck.
Tom Cruise Offers "Freedom" in Exchange for Being His Beard

It's long been known that Katie Holmes was the LAST girl on a long list of girls Tom Cruise tried to recruit to be his wife; a list of young female celebrites which included Scarlett Johansson and Jessica Alba. Tom Cruise: An Unauthorized Biography (aka, "the greatest book ever"), is now claiming that after his divorce from Nicole Kidman, Tom Cruise reportedly also had his sights on Jennifer Garner. Us Magazine reports:
Author Andrew Morton writes that Cruise left messages on the Alias star's voice mail in 2004 asking "if she knew what freedom was," but his advances were rebuffed. Wow, that was a really cool teaser.. I can't believe she wasn't instantly swept off her feet!
What a catch! A purely insane ego maniac midget gay control freak cult leader

Katie knows what "freedom" is! LOL!!!

Jennifer was sizzlin' hot in her graduation pic!

Jennifer is an ugly dork who often wears big cheap brown shoes

Britney's Meth Addiction

Britney Spears' problems may have less to do with any diagnosed bipolar disorders, and a lot more to do with drug abuse. Specifically meth. The National Enquirer reports:
Britney Spears had been on a 24-hour meth binge before she was rushed to the hospital. Ironically, she was desperately trying to stay awake - because she was terrified that if she fell asleep, her family would "drag her off to a mental institution," according to a close source.
The drama began at 2 a.m. Wednesday when Britney and Sam Lutfi checked into the Beverly Hills Hotel and she began doing meth. In addition to her mental problems, Britney is addicted to crystal meth, and details her addiction in a front page story this week. Meanwhile, her meth habit played a key role in her recent hospitalization and friends told her mother, Lynne, that she hadn't slept since last Saturday. Her drug-taking went on all day, interrupted only by brief dashes to her home. Secret arrangements for her hospitalization had been made - but no-one wanted it to happen at the hotel."
Britney's behavior and appearance is typical of any long time user of speed, so I'm not sure why this news would come as a surprise to anyone.
Britney's dad leaves the hospital, his eyes red from crying

Amy Rushed to Hospital From Rehab

Amy Winehouse was rushed to hospital and put on a drip as she battles to beat drugs, it was confirmed last night. The addicted singer, 24, was left dangerously dehydrated while going cold turkey fighting her addiction. Amy was smuggled into the private London Clinic on Wednesday evening under a false name. The Harley Street clinic is around the corner from Capio Nightingale hospital, where she is undergoing rehab.Her dad Mitch has already told The Sun how she is suffering “horrific” withdrawal symptoms.
Streetwalker Lindsay's Busted Face

Jeremy greene, Lindsay's "lucky" new man

It appears as though Lindsay Lohan's lifestyle has taken its toll on her skin amid rumours she has reportedly fallen off the wagon again.
Looking like a beat down streetwalker,and wearing a dead animal that matches her fake tan, the washed up actress did her very best to cover up her acne with dark sunglasses and a beanie hat as she checked out of the Four Seasons hotel in New York.
But nothing would have been enough to distract onlookers from the state of Lohan's skin.(except maybe a bag over her head)
The 21-year-old, who spent two months in rehab last year for alcohol addiction, was recently seen drinking vodka during a night out in New York.
Witnesses claim that Lohan drank "at least two" vodka cocktails at Manhattan celebrity hotspot, the Beatrice Inn.
However, even though Lohan may be suffering from bad skin, that hasn't stopped the star from attracting a new gross man in her life.
Lohan is said to be dating singer and songwriter Jeremy Greene, 25, whom she spent time with during her trip to Manhattan.
Sources from Life & Style said: “Before they walked into the Four Seasons Hotel together, where Lindsay was staying, someone yelled out, 'Lindsay, who is that guy?' And she said, 'He's my new boyfriend!'
Britney Is Classified "Gravely Disabled"

TMZ reports that Brit Spears has been classified as "G.D." - Gravely Disabled. It means she can't do anything for herself. She can't do things like get food, clothes, shelter, basic needs. This also means she could be committed for a longer period of time involuntarily. Britney remains in a manic state due to her bipolar disorder.
She reportedly shouted at her mother, "the only reason she's admitting me is because she wants to be alone with her boyfriend! She wants to sleep with my boyfriend!!" Don't worry, Brit, I think you're the only one that wants to sleep with Adnan.
Poor Toni Braxton

Toni was spotted leaving her NYC Hotel yesterday. I love her! She has one of the best voices on earth and yet she is not signed to a record label. Every record company and producer she has ever been with has screwed her out of her money in one way or another, leaving her penniless twice, and now without a deal. She says she's been recording on her own but she is too burned to sign with a record label.
Finally Revealed! The Frightening Faces of Michael Jackson's "Children"
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