As HORRIBLE as an actress I knew she was, I seriously can't believe how bad this trailer is for Jessica Simpson's new movie. I'm just speechless, it's so much worse than I even expected! You have to watch this! Especially the part when she says in a teeny baby voice, (the same one she uses with Poppa Joe)
"Can I pee first?" AND when she says, "Somebody needs an anger management course... and a BREATH MINT!" HER. LINES. HER. FACE. THE WAY SHE SAYS HER LINES. Her ridiculous JERKY body movements. She looks like she's having a seizure she's trying so hard to "act." It is THE WORST ACTING I've ever seen. A "remake" of Private Benjamin? Don't think so, Jess. Oh, and the other "star?" STEVE GUTTENBERG. I'm not kidding.
Oh my god, she has NO COMIC ABILITY whatsoever! No dramatic ability, no vocal talent. Her clothing line is tacky, her fragrance line stinks.