While I hesitate to even talk about George Clooney in the same article as Fabio, I feel it's necessary to tell you the reasons why I'm repelled by him,

because this is a part of how Fabio became my hero. Clooney is always whining and struggling for attention. He will take every opportunity to make something be "about HIM." Here is a recent example, from when Clooney's neighbor, Britney Spears was taken to the hospital:

"I’d gone upstairs, and I came out and I’m in a robe. All of the sudden I see all this s*** going on. I have a guest house where my assistant sometimes is, and I think, someone has broken out of prison and like escaped, because it’s a chase scene. It’s something out of Die Hard.

“I get my baseball bat, which is what you always get in every film - and I called up my assistant, who I thought was in the guest house, and I said, ‘Are you OK?’ And she’s like, ‘Yes.’ And I said, ‘Look, if there’s someone in the place, say the word Stonehenge.’
“And she’s like, ‘What the f–k are you talking about? I’m in my apartment.’ “I go, ‘You’re not in the guesthouse?’ ‘No.’ So I’m, like, ‘Well, then, what the f*** is going on?’ And I go out and I’m running around with a baseball bat in my robe. And it turns out it’s Britney Spears’ house is like, 300 yards from mine. So now I have to move."

Stonehenge? What world does he live in? Is he trying to make himself seem courageous, because he's failing miserably. He "got a baseball bat because that's what you do on a movie set?" Are we supposed to care that he "has to move?" Here is a perfect example where we could have done without his ridiculous story, which was clearly designed to gain him some attention, or have us sympathize with his being inconvenienced by Britney Spears.
While the ridiculous world has been "swooning" over "ladies man" George Clooney, I was never fooled for a moment.

(which is fine, just don't pretend to be a ladies man)

Upon doing a little "underground" research, I was able to find out that it is well known amongst the Hollywood gay community that Clooney is "in love with" Brad Pitt, and that the two have been "intimate" on more than one occasion, the reason that Angelina absolutely hates Clooney also.
he is an egomaniac attention whore who is not even remotely good looking,

and I could instantly see what a self-important ass he is. Every time he opens his mouth, straining to be funny,

he succeeds only in being pathetic, because everything he says is with the goal of directing attention towards him. His "acting" consists of jerking his head back and forth like a bobblehead while he strains to appear "intense."

Still, even untalented actors can get lucky and be in a great movie. What's his blockbuster movie? Exactly. There isn't one.

When he gave that speech condemning the paparazzi, even comparing himself to Princess Di, I was disgusted and angered that ANYONE was even allowing him to speak. He said "Princess Di is dead, and who should we see about that?" He went on a crusade against the photographers that had made him "famous," and this backfired on him when they refused to take his picture. He had to come crawling back, kissing their asses so that his beady eyes could once again grace the pages of the tabloids. His demeanor is always so smug and all-knowing, on subjects he knows nothing about that have little, if anything, to do with him.

Further, if I heard about his vow to remain a bachelor, (who cares) what a "prankster" he is, or his pot bellied pig one more time, I was going to scream.

Clooney doesn't have a single solid redeeming quality, and it seems that I was the only one to know this.
A few months ago, I read this article, and Fabio was my instant hero.

Nov. 15, 2007
Fabio Calls Clooney Low Class Scumbag
While attending the grand opening of Lamborghini , Fabio waxed chivalrous regarding his restaurant run-in with reportedly drunk and irritable George. “I was doing a charity for the 11-99 Foundation, which benefits the widows and children of officers killed in the line of duty,” Fabio told OK! magazine.

“I had dinner with six women and a photographer woman and we were just having fun, having dinner and taking pictures. All of a sudden one of the ladies said to me, ‘There is this gentleman a few tables behind you that keeps insulting me, keeps giving me the finger.’ She’s like, ‘This gentleman behind you called me a fat cow.’”

That so-called gentleman turned out to be George! “He was drunk and thought people were taking pictures of him,” Fabio continued. “So I went to the table and explained to him that we were having a charity dinner and I said, ‘You’re more than welcome to come to my table and see if there was a picture of you.’ I apologized and he started being rude so I put him in his place. After I put him in his place — you know I’m three times his size — he got a little scared. I went back to my table and as soon as I sit down he paid his bill, got up and he started insulting the girls. He called the women names. At that point I lost my temper. I went after him and he ran out of the restaurant.”
It’s not clear where in the exchange Fabio infamously told the Oscar winner to “stop being a diva.” “You have to be a low-class, scumbag to start calling a woman a name. If you’re a man, you should never. You should be a gentleman. These women were with me and as a man I defend them. He was lucky he ran out of the restaurant. He’s not even half a man.”

Not only is Fabio a true gentleman, he is completely fearless.
A stray goose landed on his face while he was riding a roller coaster, requiring Fabio to get stitches and killing the goose instantly. Fabio never flinched. Any other "man" would have been screaming like a little girl.

He defends the honor of women, and he scared that little bitch George Clooney, showing everyone what a cowardly piece of trash he is.
Fabio is secure in who he is, and not afraid to laugh at himself, or his image.

Anyone who is making fun of him is jealous, it's that simple.
I love his stationary, signature, and what he wrote to Details magazine.

He was interviewed by Psychology Today, how many "models" can say that?
Fabio Lanzoni started modeling at the tender age of 14.

At 46, he's the world's go-to knight in shining armor, having beefed up the covers of hundreds of romance novels. A true Italian renaissance man,

Fabio evenly divides his time between socializing, working out, managing his ladies' apparel business and caring for his 175 motorcycles.

How have your looks helped you?
Looks are a double-edged sword. With women, it has opened a lot of doors for me. With men, it's closed a lot of doors.
Because men are jealous?
Not so much anymore, but when I was younger, some of the male entertainment executives felt threatened.
How did you deal with that?
It's part of life. I see myself as a very fortunate human being. Most people are always comparing themselves to that top 1 percent. I compare myself to the other 99 percent.
What is your advice to help women feel more attractive?
God gave you a mind, a spirit and a body, and you should take care of all three.
Would you like to be married someday?
Yes. I'm looking for a woman with a really good sense of humor. There is only so much time you can spend looking at another person without conversation.
Don't you think the longer you are single, the harder it will be to adjust to being married?
But you're wiser! When you're young, you're stupid. In my 20s, I had tons of testosterone. You have to get that out of your system.
Have you ever met a woman who wasn't initially attractive to you but then became so?
Oh many, many times. To me, the biggest attraction is a woman's charisma, her soul, her inner strength.
How do you pick up on those qualities?
They really shine through. When she looks into your eyes, and as soon as she opens her mouth, you can tell. If she is wise, she can jump from one topic to another.
Sometimes you meet a pretty woman, and it's like talking to a little girl. Because she's based everything on her looks, she hasn't developed anything. So as a human being, she has nothing to offer.

Your ads for I Can't Believe It's Not Butter! and Nationwide insurance skewer your sex-symbol image.
The Nationwide commercial was the Superbowl favorite. And we were selling death! I like to make fun of myself. I don't take myself seriously, because there is so much more to life than just being good looking

Far from being just a pretty face, Fabio is an empire on his own. He has many interests and is a saavy businessman. He developed a fragrance, has raised $$ for children's charities, launched a successful women's clothing line for Sam's Club,and posed for over 400 romance novel covers,

has exercise tapes, video games, recorded a 1993 cd called Fabio After Dark in 1994

has a cookbook, calendars, a health and fitness book, his own doll, played Claudio on the 1993 TV series Acapulco Heat, has been on The Bold and the Beautiful soap opera, Roseanne, and many other appearances. He is not just a butter spokesperson,

but also a spokesperson for furniture hardware, insurance, The American cancer Society and the Oral B sensitive toothbrush. Not only that, when he is not doing their commercials, sales drop dramatically!
Fabio is always gracious to fans

He has had many honors bestowed upon him, such as:
One of the 15 Greatest Men on Earth.. McCalls Magazine
The Sexiest Man in the World.. Cosmopolitan

One of the Year's 25 Most Intriguing People.. People Magazine
The God of Romance- RT
He doesn't drink, I love that too.
He said: "Women are just as smart as men, and a smart man is sensitive."