If being a lesbo is so great, why are they always so mad? These two skanky crackheads don't have an interesting trait between them. One plays albums and the other one is Long Island gutter trash.
From Gawker:
We really did not pay much attention to them once we were seated, except at the end of their meal when Lindsay stood up and stepped/stumbled on my friend's foot. Without looking back or apologizing she headed straight out the door. We guess her exit was spontaneous as Samantha was behind her sputtering: 'Are you leaving?' 'Lindsay are you leaving?' ' Babygirl, please don't leave me! (Sam choked as she fought back her salty tears of regret.)

The pain of being in a lesbo love affair is evident on Lindsay's once soft, carefree face, as the burden of their (really happy) love suddenly becomes too much to bear