Well, Ellen Degeneres bawling like a big gay baby on her show didn't work. She had adopted a brussels griffon puppy from the shelter called "Mutts and Moms", and the puppy didn't get along with her gross cats. (Cats are assholes) So, she gave the puppy to her hair stylist's 12 year old daughter. Then, Mutts and Mom's heard about it, went to the home of the hair stylist and demanded the dog back. First problem? Why in the HELL did they give the dog back? When those losers came to the door, I would have said Get the F*CK off my property!
So, Ellen came out on her show and cried and blubbered and begged the ridiculous shelter people to give the dog back to the people she gave it to. But they said no. Now they are getting death threats! Still, they said they won't be bullied by Ellen just because she's a celebrity and they aren't ever going to give Iggy the dog back to Ellen's friends. I am a dog lover like no other, and I don't agree with those freaks coming to get the dog back. But Ellen had NO BUSINESS using her show to beg, cry and blubber, it's just so gross.