No matter what she does, Lindsay Lohan can’t seem to escape drama. Lindsay's new romance with Riley Giles is already a scandal, because he moved on from his fiancée without telling her.
Apparently, Riley was engaged to Bree Tierney, a girl from Murray, Utah. And rather than formally dis-engaging from her prior to hooking up LiLo, Giles just kind of let her find out through the tabloids.
Bree’s mom told press, “Riley just stopped calling Bree and never told her about Lindsay. She found out by seeing photos. It destroyed her.”
Well, at least the phony slut is doing what she can to steer clear of trouble in the addiction department. According to a source, “They (Lindsay and Riley) did meet once and had sodas at a hotel bar, but they quickly realized it was not the right place to be. Lindsay is sticking to the program.”
source: gossipgirls