Rosie Admits She's a Fat Alcoholic
Rosie O'Donnell confessed on her blog that she has been drinking too much and is laying off the bottle, because she wants to drop a few. One reader asked her why she was not drinking beer anymore. Rosie wrote:
cause i was drinking too much
cause i didnt want to anymore
cause it is hard to lose weight wen drinking
cause i can never have only one
cause donald called me a slob
i eat too much corn on the cob
my guts are always in the way
i stay on the couch with cake all day
im a mean drunk with a big loud mouth
i want to look human someday
Okay, so she really only wrote the part up to "only one", but I couldn't resist writing in her retarted haiku crap that she thinks is so cool. UGH. She will never lose weight, and even if she does, she will still be ugly, obnoxious and not the least bit funny.