Breaking Up With Britney

Okay, it's really happened. I cannot post one more picture of Britney going to tan, getting a frappucino, or her filthy weave up close. Now that she has pink eye, she has her sunglasses on, even at night, and now.. to "read." Can you say child star? Why is a 26 year old "woman" pretending to read this classic children's book? (In her car with her sunglasses on, while she poses, (brandishing her pumpkin!) for the paparazzi in between.) For months now, really, even years, we have been witnessing the major meltdown of a child star, because, really, Britney isn't a talent. She was a creation, something manufactured, and now the factory has shut down.

She was the product of choreographers, publicists, stylists, songwriters, record labels, trainers, voice coaches, agents, and long hours of practice and discipline. Now she is only in the news for being gross, showing us her crotch, eating cheetos, having acne, sleeping with strange men and women, being attacked, losing her kids, getting into accidents, marrying anyone she can find, pooping in gas station bathrooms, beating cars with umbrellas, shaving her head in public, sucking on drug laced lollipops, and being a vulgar, stupid, ugly, joke. (Who DECORATES her car with pumpkins and little girls' tennis shoes) I just can't take it anymore. I really can't.

Could she ever really sing? No. Dance? No. Did she used to look good? Of course. But that was a long, long time ago. Why does anyone still care? I'm not sure she has the ability to shock us anymore. I am going to do my best to ignore Britney from this moment on, and put myself in a kind of Britney rehab. Wish me luck. Pic (2) of Brit with her new "friend"... her friend is EXTRA ugly! She needs a nose job NOW, she always looks like she's smelling something.