Can't her fake bitch of a mom spring for some much needed plastic surgery? I mean Demi did spend 250,000. on herself. Hey, she's working what she has, right? NO. She needs to quit posing and thinking SHE'S SEXY. No one is ugly at this age! Her outfit and boots are HORRIBLE. I was going to say she looks like Brigitte Nielson, but Brigitte is WAY PRETTIER! She is maybe the ugliest freak I have ever seen, especially because you can tell she thinks she's cool! I had that exact sweater in 1975..and PLEASE pull your pants up, because we saw your mom down there a couple days ago, and I'm still having nightmares! (Click on Demi Moore IF YOU DARE!) I know it was way too early to see her big ugly face but there are no new Britney pics yet this morning,so I apologize.