While J. Lo remains in a constant state of self absorption, poor Skeletor is experiencing mind numbing exhaustion as he carries the burden of his demon wife's endless demands, and caring for her spawn from hell throughout the night while she screeches at him to "quiet those kids!"
"SMILE, Skeletor, or I'll make you wish you had"
Still, fearing J. Lo's wrath if he didn't present her with a "thank you" gift for agreeing to bear his hideous fruit twice, he purchased the bitch from the block a pair of 2.6 million dollar earrings. He lovingly had them engraved with M and E for Max and Emme, but forgetting the names of her children, J.Lo squealed with delight, thinking the earrings stood for ME as in HER. There is no one on earth who J.Lo could ever love more than herself! After all, she is pure perfection. Below, Skel finds himself lost in the wonder of J. Lo's natural beauty, and how she can wear so many layers of make-up and still look like the flawless creature who is, his beloved wife. Note the sheer terror in his eyes
J. Lo has perfected the art of speaking to Skeletor with her lips closed and in a smiling position, as she dated a ventriloquist back in the eighties.
"I don't care how damn tired you are, I said SMILE. DO IT! You're NOT smiling... You need to ice those bags under your eyes too, and you could use a facial. Tonight I need a pedicure, and that god damned Diaper Genie better be disinfected before I see or smell it again. You better be smiling! Don't embarrass me in front of my people. Are you listening?"