The Kids Choice Awards had Cameron Diaz covering her acne with grease to enjoy the only event she's invited to anymore.
Smeared with glitter to appear youthful, Cameron's chest acne was sparkling with glee.
Not even the layers of make-up she carefully applied could hide her pain of not having a date since Justin over a year ago. Fast approaching forty, Cameron still prizes her award she won from the Kids eight years ago for "Best Burp", (her only award to date) Her old lady dress certainly didn't help her already gruesome appearance, but she tried to put on a brave face.
And her skin close up, oh my, it was hard to look, but even harder to look away.
Another disfigured freak who was in attendance was Asslee Simpson, who becomes more unrecognizable as each day passes. A chin implant,her second boob job, (a bad one) and a hearty dose of heroin is just what the doctor ordered! Say... girls? A tip: Glitter "went out" almost ten years ago, and it's always been "out" on anyone over the age of 17. Are you listening, Bobby Trendy?
Asslee and Cam were heard discussing how many layers of make-up they wore to the Kid Friendly event.