J.Lo has repeatedly denied that she is a Scientologist. I guess one way to combat rumors that you belong to a cult is to ask its most famous member to be the godfather of your newborn twins. Showbiz Spy says:
J. Lo was unable to get pregnant for years, and then Teeny T. came to the rescue and offered her some "Scientology fertility treatments." She was instantly pregnant. She gave birth to son Max and daughter Emme on February 22 - and is now forcing husband Skeletor to give Teeny Tom the role despite their differences in religious beliefs. Tom also designed J.Lo's exercise routine, a grueling three hour a day workout,and she lost an astounding forty pounds in only four weeks.

"Tom is smug in his new control over J. Lo.. Marc wasn't sure if it was a good idea to have a Scientologist as the kids' godfather, especially as he and Jennifer are both Catholic. But J.Lo is the boss, and she insisted on it. " The tiny leader has already showered the twins with gifts. Tom, who is very small and gay, spent around $200,000 on designer christening outfits for Max and Emme, ordered a giant fish tank for their nursery and gave them complete Disney DVD box sets. It has also been claimed Tom and Katie planned to host a star-studded $200,000 'Welcome to the World' themed-party for the fraternal twins."