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"Here is what I found out last night from the woman who provided the information for the post yesterday. When I spoke to her last night she had just returned from Owen's hospital. After getting past the security check, she was met by much of the Wilson clan who didn't let her in to see Owen but told her that he was doing much better than expected and that he would call her soon. They told her Owen had seen a couple of friends earlier in the day, but didn't want to see anymore for awhile. She said the whole family was so nice to her that she was halfway home before she realized she had been passed through what amounted to a receiving line of family members. As each friend was greeted, they were passed from one family member to another until there was no real alternative but to leave, but the family was so kind to all the friends that it didn't matter. She kept emphasizing how nice the family was, and that they were doing the comforting and sympathy rather than the other way around."
source: ET LAWYER at Crazy Days and Nights
This is Part Two, See: The Truth About Owen and Kate