With skanky girlfriend, Vicki

Jeff shows off his man boobs on Celebrity Unfit Club

A bonus about Jeff is that his ass is usually hanging out for no apparent reason

the freak drooled his way through celebrity fit club

Jeff Conaway: "I did a movie Grease, one of the biggest movies ever! I did a show called Taxi, one of the biggest shows ever!"
Yes! He really said that. In fact, that's what he's saying in the above photo, for no reason whatsoever. (No one asked)
Well, if you just couldn't get enough of Jeff Conaway on Celebrity Fit Club,you are in for such a treat as he portrays himself(!) again on Celebrity Rehab. Who are they trying to kid with this "celebrity" word? These people are serious losers. Jeff is under some delusion that he was once a great star, and honestly, you will hate him so much watching this that you won't want to miss it. I am completely certain that even if Jeff were not a raging alcoholic and derelict drug addict, I would still hate his guts.
Sickening to watch, his tantrums, rages, and sniveling self-pity will have you shivering with chills of pure disgust. Sobbing, screaming, and bragging about how great he was in some thirty year old sitcom, he threatens to kill himself, and you find yourself hoping he will.. and soon! His gigantic nosed whore girlfriend continues to sneak drugs into rehab for him, and tells Dr. Drew that he ate a thousand dollars worth of pills before entering rehab. He wheels around rehab in a wheelchair, his misshapen, broken down body all hunched over and his mutated face filled with the agony of his addictions. UGH. You expect him to just start pooping his pants at any minute.
A porn "star" has her dildos confiscated in the first episode. Later, she leans over and lets a loud, manly fart and some American Idol loser thinks its really funny. Chyna, the big gross wrestler chick isn't even sure why she's there. Brigitte Nielson and Daniel Baldwin seem actually normal so far, for the first time ever. This is Daniel's tenth time in rehab. Then there's Seth, the lead singer of Crazy Town, a band that had one horrible annoying song. Still, it's impossible not to watch Jeff. He is the most pathetically repulsive freak to ever be on television.