you're so dainty and pretty, paris, especially your feet! Is that a new pose?

The show is going to be about her "searching for a new best friend,” a source tells Usmagazine.com. “Paris is tired of the haters and she’s looking for someone new. She’s looking for someone new and cool who she can trust.”
Someone.. "cool like her", right? Like that bitch isn't a hater! Like she is ANYONE'S FRIEND, oh god, enough with the reality shows. Where will she be "searching", how sickkkkk.
Hey, hooknose, what happened to these "friends?" Even crazy Brit and Desperate Lindsay only liked Paris for about a week!

The untitled project – will be picked up by either MTV or VH1. Here, I'll title it.
"Flavor of Tranny" okay sorry I'm exhausted, and I hate her so much. Flavor Flav is too good for Paris though, she'd ruin his rep!
"The new show is “going to be full of good chick drama and you will see a side of Paris not seen on Simple Life,” the source tells Us. Oh wow then I WILL WATCH. There is no other side to Paris. There is the bitch, slut, self-centered princess, ugh. I've really said all I could possibly say about her.