Kate’s also recently been seen at ex-boyfriend Owen Wilson’s house. And then there’s the married guys. The New York Daily News writes:
Arizona Cardinals quarterback Tim Hasselbeck was at L.A. nightspot Teddy’s, and she wanted him. Bad. She even showed up two days later on the set of a commercial he was shooting, hanging all over him.
They are both such dorks

Kate recently said "You shouldn't get married if you think it will be a fairytale."

I want my marital advice from Kate Hudson! Her gross husband Chris insisted on threesomes with groupies, and Kate went along with this for their entire marriage. They were often seen in hotels with his groupies. Oh my god, IMAGINE how gross a "Chris Robinson groupie" is. Kate's mom Goldie continues to delude herself that "every man cheats, and it is okay" because Kurt Russell is always seen coming out of Taiiwan massage parlors.
“Tim was courteous about meeting her, but he is a very faithful husband,” says a pal, who notes that he is married to that childish, know-it-all bitch on “The View” Elisabeth Hasselbeck. Oh, I LOVE this. Please. Please break up Hasselcrack's marriage! She thinks she's so cool!

I want Ashton to be caught in bed with Lindsay. I'm so tired of Demeeeeeee telling everyone she can about how "Oh...we've been practicing sex so much hee hee, and I can't complain abut "practicing" with him." PRACTICING? She's almost 50. Grow up, keep it to yourself.
Another reason to hate her... she smokes cigars and thinks that's cool too!

Like. we. care. Anyone, and I'll say this again, who talks about how much sex they have isn't having any. Nasty ol' skank, ugh. I just remembered when Demi had that entire Victorian house JUST FOR HER UGLY DOLLS in Idaho. She payed almost 500 grand for a house or her 2,000 porcelain dolls. Bald Bruce Willis went around town bragging to the poor people there how he never carries less than ten thousand in his wallet. Am I off the subject? Not really. They are all so sickening. Oh sickkkk. I hate her. Okay what does this have to do with Kate being a tramp? Nothing.
She dresses in "baby clothes" and goes to Kabbalah parties. Oh that's really cool, I'm so jealous. Ashton just loves it too.