Those wacky lovebirds Ratface and Kate went to dinner. Who doesn't envy "Kate's" glow? OH, NICE OUTFIT too. She looks like all the blood has been drained out of her. Yesterday I started to tell you about the $200,000. "Welcome to the World" party that Tom is throwing for J. Lo and Skeletor's brats. Oh count me in. He wants J.Lo and Marc in his cult but J.Lo's mom is a Scientologist, and she wants nothing to do with it.
That's the thing about these freaks. Do what you want, cool. I don't care. But leave me out of it because I can't be tricked into or talked into anything that stupid. Yeah I want a group of zombie freaks following me around threatening to tell my "sex secrets" and giving them all my money. UGH. Just like gays. I don't care what you are but don't tell me about your sex life. DON'T CARE. No one else does either, trust me. These cult freaks and gays, I mean do they ever talk or think about(trying to convert people into their religion or thinking you want to hear their gross sex stuff) anything else? No. That's why we all know you aren't normal.