Let's begin with the 1989 Oscars, because that was a good year.
River Phoenix was alive, and forgot to wash his hair

Ricki Lake was there and she was still fat, sweaty and lovable

Rat face was there with his annoying, bug eyed wife, Mimi Rogers, and his neck covered in monkey hair

Goldie embarrassed herself this night while presenting with Kurt, asking, "Are you going to propose to me?" to which he answered, "We better hurry up and present this award."

Lucy was there, and even with only 6 weeks to live, she was a hateful bitch, just like always

Meryl Streep and Kurt Russell share a laugh over his big dumb glasses. (Last photo of 1989 Oscars)

Celine Dion wore a ridiculous pant suit

Trailer trash, Demetrye Guynes,poses in an outfit she "designed herself", winning her the award of worst dressed of the year

Demi was under the illusion she was a star, Bruce had hair

Tom Hanks won Best Actor for his role as a dying Aids victim in 1994's Philadelphia

and wins again the very next year for Forrest Gump

In 1983, the beautiful Mary Louise Streep won her first Oscar for Sophie's Choice

Who can forget gutter trash, heroin addicted, self mutilating, lesbian loving attention whore Angelina Jolie slurping all over her brother at The Oscars?

and it wasn't the first time they had shared such a kiss... or the last

In 2004, Charlie Theron took home an Oscar for her portrayal of serial killer Aileen Wournos

Aileen left, Charlize, right

the real Aileen

Yet Charlize is best remembered for this performance, when she smoked weed out of a apple

In 1981, Robert DeNiro won for Raging Bull, Sissy Spacek for Coal Miner's Daughter

In 1988, Michael Jackson brought Emmanuel Lewis and Brooke Shields

Cher was furious at The Academy for ignoring her performance in Mask in 1986, and wore this outfit and hair to say F You

But she was feeling better the very next year when she won Best Actress for Moonstruck

The highly overrated and underdeveloped Gwyneth Paltrow was the joke of The Oscars when she wore this see through top

In 1991, newcomer Kathy Bates won best actress for her over the top portrayal of a psychotic spinster in Stephen King's Misery

Barbara Streisand's tacky, bell bottomed, see through pantsuit caused quite a commotion at the 1969 Oscars

she was always a hideous freak who forced herself on us, and she's NOT FUNNY

Julia Roberts won for Erin Brokavich, Russell Crowe for Gladiator

In 1991, a normal looking Michael Jackson and Madonna pretended they were a couple. She did try to have sex with him that night, but he politely declined.

Hilary Swank with Clint Eastwood after winning her 2nd Oscar for that boxing movie he directed

In 2002, Halle Berry won Best Actress for Monster's Ball wearing the most beautiful dress ever

In 1970, Liz Taylor wore the biggest diamond in the world, and it was HERS

The stupid 1974 streaker, Robert Opal

1989 photos alan light