Unless Michael Jackson comes up with some serious cash soon, he’ll lose Neverland Ranch.

Poor Michael has been foreclosed on by Financial Title Company, who filed a notice of a trustee’s sale yesterday.
He will have to pay more than $24 million if he hopes to remain the owner of Neverland. And he must do it by March 19th to avoid a public auction.
At Neverland, Michael told small boys that he was Peter Pan

Michael left the ranch in 2005 when he was caught molesting boys there, and left all his zoo animals to starve.

As Neverland crumbles, Michael tries to "save face"

Michael's dirty Thriller Glove, complete with hair

If Neverland is auctioned, the new owner will take possession of everything on the property, like rides, furniture, appliances, and all personal effects of Michael to include all the tortured souls of the little children, his big fun-bed,