Page Six reports that Brittany Murphy has become a major diva bitch on the set of her new movie and has everyone frustrated. Brittany is currently shooting "Across the Hall" and has been making outrageous demands.
A source said, "She's extremely difficult. When she gets to the set, it comes to a grinding halt. She's so hot and cold, you never know."

The source also said Brit makes assistants remove all the crusts off her diagonally cut peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. "She needs one every hour. It's painstaking - her assistant takes about a half an hour making each one.
A HALF HOUR to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich? Give me a break, sick, like it would take that long even if you made the peanut butter from "scratch." Her lips are the one exception to the plumping juice though, they look really yummy. WHAT A BITCH. Seriously, what are her movies again? Eminem's girlfriend in 8 Mile and Clueless? Wow, star power. She's the female Ashton Kutcher of stars! Oh, and she did date him too. Who eats a peanut butter and jelly sandwich every hour? That means her assistant's entire job is just making her sandwiches. Hope she's using Jif and not Skippy.