The Hulk with Brooke and Nick in happier times

She wrote to fat, pimple faced Perez.
Dear Perez,

Upon being presented with evidence that Mr. Wrobel had concrete and obvious knowledge and proof of the affair (”What was the nature of your relationship with Hulk Hogan?” I said we were friends. Him: “Really? What about that letter you gave to Brooke two nights ago?” I was so taken aback, I completely broke down.) I decided I owed Brooke and the Hogan family a formal apology for my actions, which was my sole statement.
You won’t find me signing a deal for a tell-all book on the Hogans, pimping out juicy details of the affair, appearing on television to milk this 15 minutes for all it’s worth or anything of the sort. You can’t even find any pictures of me online. I am ashamed of what has taken place and it has caused me a lot of pain both personally and professionally. Call me what you want, but I did NOT leak this gossip to the press NOR did I gain ANY $$$ from it. It makes me wonder who has truly benefited by selling the story to the Enquirer and who has ca$hed in on this affair becoming public knowledge. Anyhow, we all know how karma works.. Christiane Plante
Hulk slept with Brooke's "friend," but she was 33!
How Hulk learned of divorce:
A reporter surprised Terry Bollea with the news that his wife had filed for divorce.
Hulk was currently in Los Angeles to prepare to host the American Gladiators, when he received a call by a reporter from their hometown paper, who broke the news to Hogan.
“Thank you for the great information,”
Hulk said politely and hung up. But he was enraged!

Five minutes later, he called back the reporter and said,
“I’m kind of shocked. You caught me off-guard. My wife has been in California for about three weeks. … Holy smokes. Wow, you just knocked the bottom out of me. … I just pulled over to the side of the road for five minutes to find out what was going on here.”