Kirstie Alley leaves the hair salon today. Hope she hurries and develops her weight loss secrets, because I know that between her strong belief in Scientology, along with her fit and toned appearance, I want to learn all I can from her. She always looks so blissfully happy too. Kirstie said she will “develop and pilot my own weight-loss brand that I hope to launch in 2009.”“I want to create something new that will help millions of people end the seemingly never ending fatty-roller coaster ride.”
Help millions? YOU? How? Tell us how you went to ridiculous lengths to hide your fat, (didn't work by the way) through blurry lenses, a support body stocking when you appeared "in a bikini" on Oprah, (you could have spared us that too) retarded camera angles and the gigantic ball gowns with layers and layers of fabric that you wore on The Jenny Craig commercials were my fave. As if anyone on earth dresses like that, hey nobody knew you were hiding your fat, the same fat you always had. The only seventy five pound weight loss was in your Scientology addled mind.
Instead of having an expert illusionist spend hours shadowing your 4 chins, why not lose some weight since you are being payed millions to do it. Here's my thing. Be fat! Who cares, cool. Just don't insult our intelligence bragging and crowing about your 75 pound weight loss because we see you. We know you're fat. Finally, after like 3-4 years of your lies, you got fired. FOR BEING FAT. We don't want your weight loss program! We've seen what it's done for you. NO THANKS.