So THAT'S how he got his black eye. Celebrity Rehab" star Daniel Baldwin left the show because of his inappropriate text messages to porn star Mary Carey (pics of his ween)- and now his wife knows all about it.
Mary, still sober, was outside of Mr. Chow last night and she said that Daniel's wife called her wondering just what went on in the house. When she found out, she slugged Daniel, and he was proudly showing off a nice black eye this weekend.

Baldwin met his wife, who just had a baby, when he was in rehab for the 12th time, (the time before "Celebrity Rehab") She was the chef there. Tip to Her: Don't marry someone you meet in rehab, espesh if it's their TWELFTH TIME.
TIP TO DANIEL: NEVER trust a porn star. Don't do stupid shit when you are BEING FILMED FOR A TV SHOW

Mary also went on to explain that she's a big Britney Spears fan and wants to do a girl-girl video with her. Mary ran into Britney but Britney told her "not right now" on her wish to do a sex movie with Brit. .