A vibrant burst of beauty and fresh air

real, natural, playful, beautiful, alive

Bitch, please

These pictures aren't even funny, they are infuriating to me. HOW DARE this JERSEY TRASH pose as Marilyn

Lindsay looks like a beat down porn whore alcoholic, and has no sex appeal at all, and Marilyn has a natural and beautiful aura. Lindsay even makes the sad and pathetic, non-sexy Britney look good

Marilyn had a tragic innocence about her and Lindsay looks like the hard core, easy, drug addicted tramp that she is. From her tatooed ass to her cold, dead bitch eyes, she couldn't be LESS like Marilyn Monroe.

Marilyn was soft and vulnerable. Lindsay is gritty, hard, and used up. It shows through in the photos, which are an insult to everyone's intelligence. Lindsay is Jersey trash, and looks fifteen years older than Marilyn. In truth, Lindsay is 21, and Marilyn 36 in these photos.

Lindsay posed like Marilyn for New York Magazine. She has even purchased an apartment where Marilyn once lived. “If you saw my house … I have a lot of Marilyn stuff,” she bragged, including a huge painting of Monroe.
“It’s eerie,” Lohan said of Monroe’s suicide “tragic,” and then added, elliptically, “You know, it’s also tragic what just recently happened to someone else.” I asked whether she was referring to Heath Ledger. She nodded: “They are both prime examples of what this industry can do to someone.” Why some and not others, I asked, since it has often seemed that the three times-rehabbed Lohan might meet a similar fate. Lohan replied with a flicker of annoyance: “I don’t know. I’m not them. But I sure as hell wouldn’t let it happen to me.”