Nick Lachey receives some easy cash when he's paid to to show up to events, however, according to a spy for the New York Post Page Six, he was complaining at the JC Penny's launch at Skylight. The source said:
"Nick was complaining the whole time he was there. He started whining, 'When can I get out of here?' and refusing to take photos." That's what he was paid to show up for, and he's lucky that anyone pays him to do anything.
HIS. POSES. "Look, I'm in a dusty pick-up truck. Can you smell my rugged sweat? I'm trying to look deep and insightful, but I just look like a jackass throwing a tantrum" (or, like I have to poop)

"Look at my tatoo! I'm a dangerous rebel"

"Men can feel pain too... look! I'm deeply hurt, yet so masculine.. do you see my tatoo?"

Look how intense my gaze is.. does it frighten you?

Ha! Ha! LIKE THIS BORING LOSER has ANYTHING better to do! Let me guess... he wanted to "watch the game." UGH, you poor thing, Nick. GET OVER YOURSELF, because everyone else on earth has! He's probably still worn out from the Hot Wheels Event he got paid $1,500.00 to go to! Or maybe he's worn out from all the concert tours he had to go on for his blockbuster last album, "SOUL-O" HaHaHahahahah!!!!! Oh, wait.. there was no concert tour, not even one, because they couldn't sell more than 144 tickets, and that was in his HOME TOWN.