what a pretty face!
what a slithering skank
Lindsay Lohan was trying to put her skank onto Leonardo DiCaprio Tuesday night at a West Hollywood club. First, she pulled off her red leather jacket and tried pulling him onto the dance floor, but the girl he came with reclaimed him in time. “She was very flirty with Leo,” says our spy. “But he wasn’t saying much to her.” DiCaprio and his POSSE left soon after. Lindsay was drinking vodka and champagne. Oh, and she's still got an orange face and white legs. Still wearing the cheap shiny leggings, still thinks she's cool.
Unable to talk Leo into sex, she went to a party with her friends
In other urgent Lindsay news, she ruined Clint Eastwood's dinner at Madeo. She came in with a huge bunch of losers like she owned the place. He was disgusted and glared at her. Can you imagine having Clint glare at you? She acted like he was no one and made some comment about his "walker." He should have shot the bitch right then and there! Dirty Harry would have. He was overheard saying "Can you believe this sh*t?" "I'm going out the back." (When she arrived with her FIFTEEN photographers in tow.