Kurt Cobain Buys a Mansion

Somebody used dead rocker Kurt Cobain’s social security number to buy a $3.2 million house.

Courtney Love revealed that identity thieves had also set up 188 credit cards in her name.
News of the 3 million mansion emerged yesterday — despite Courtney, 43, admitting she knew that fraud was going on five years ago.

This week Courtney, 43, met cops in Van Nuys to give them details of a probe by forensic accountants which discovered 16 million missing. Checks had been stolen and cars bought by the clever thieves.
She told The Sun: “I knew it had been going on since when I went cuckoo — bananas." Bananas? Which time?

Was it that time you let that stranger lick your boob at The Burger King?

We know it wasn't when you were fat

"It was fraud after fraud. But nobody believed me until now. Hmmm... why not?? I did a check on my deceased husband’s social security number and he has a house in New Brunswick, New Jersey. He bought it last year."
"If it was him he should get his a** back home," she laughed.
(Or maybe she "chortled.." I always love a good chortle)

Kurt's estate still earns 12 million every year, with most going into a trust fund for their daughter Frances Bean, now 14.
Courtney believes it is one of the biggest ID theft cases in US history. She said she had high hopes of bringing the crooks to justice, adding: “I know who they are."
Let me guess who it is.. Dave Grohl, right?

“Taking a child’s money and future is a really horrible thing, and taking money that I could use for drugs is an even worse thing
Kurt and Courtney's wedding photo

Frances Bean was one when Kurt shot himself

he died from a gunshot wound to the head in this carriage house above the garage

Courtney arrived shortly after the electrician found Kurt's body

He left this suicide note, saying Francis would be much happier without him

Transcription of Kurt's suicide note