Okay, let's stop right here. WHO is she THREATENING? WHO CARES??
"As well as rants about her family and friends, the singer reveals intimate information about her ex, Justin Timberlake, (he has a small ween, and he's an ass. Okay, next) and her rivalry with Christina Aguilera. (Don't care) (She's still thinking about that Mickey Mouse Club stuff??)
"Britney's video diaries are the talk of the Tinseltown elite," we're told. "Her high-profile friends and exes - including Justin - knew what she was up to but assumed she was filming herself as a form of therapy. If she does decide to go public with the footage, it'll be explosive. WHO ARE HER HIGH PROFILE FRIENDS? Paris Hilton? Hahahahah!!!!!!!! Like she has a single friend.
Just WHO are the "tinseltown elite?" Hahahah!!!! NO, who are they? Adnan Ghalib, Justin T. and Sam Lufti? Ali Sims and Lindsay Lohan? I need to know who they are!

Like Britney has a single thought or one bit of secret knowledge of anyone that would be considered "EXPLOSIVE." Hahahahah!!!!!!!!!!!!

AS IF anyone on EARTH would care about some bipolar, self-centered, schizophrenic, has been, lunatics' ranting and ravings!!! LOL!
" Not surprisingly both JT and Kevin Federline are terrified the material will end up all over the net."
Here, I'll save Poptart the trouble. Kevin is useless, used her for her money. Justin is flamingly gay and had sex with Lou Perlman. He wants to be gangsta, but everyone laughs behind his back. They are both full blown hillbillies. Her mom is all pilled up, and only cares about her money.