Page Six reports: The deal would include photos of Ashlee - taken by Joe, of course, so he can make more money - an interview and photos of the baby when she has it," our source said. Sadly, there is some interest - but not for anything close to $1 million. One magazine editor said the pictures would fetch "$60,000 maybe - but definitely not a million. But even with the marriage announcement, "Joe has an unrealistic expectation of what Ashlee can command," the editor said."
Please, please don't anyone pay to see their fugly emo spawn!! Who cares!! If your daughter has no talent, have her get pregnant, and that will be worth money. Especially if she's 16, or, if her boyfriend is openly gay and she is unmarried. Instant Career Boost! BUT WHY?!
Pete's Gay Photos: (and there were many more, completely naked...GROSS) Yes, Pete, "someone" "hacked in" to your sidekick, found your naked pics and sent them to gay websites. Is that what Papa Joe told you to say? UGH.

Then Pete whined on his website:
"so as some of you obviously know someone hacked into my sidekick and took pictures off of it. this was very upsetting and a total invasion of privacy. i can't explain to you how it feels. whats even more absurd to me is that anyone would care to see a couple of racy pictures of some shitty, dirty boy. after feeling badly about this for about 24 hours, i am now ready to get back to laughing."
Good because we're laughing too after seeing your RACY pictures. Please keep your pants on.