Pete has found a friend in Big Boy, the burly ex street fighter He's Pete, damn it! So he can still get his smack on, even in the pokey. The hot one has been injecting smack smuggled into London’s tough Wormwood Scrubs slammer. (Nice name!)Doherty, jailed for ignoring rehab orders, is paying for the drugs by begging credit from fellow inmates and writing IOUs.A fellow inmate said: “We can’t believe how badly he needs his smack. The pictures, taken with a phone camera, show him restless and trying to make some pals to call his own.
Doherty was locked up for 3½ months last week for failing to take drug tests ordered by a court after he admitted possessing heroin, crack, cannabis and the horse tranquilizer ketamine. (Is that all? Why so tough on Pete?)Luckily for Petey, he is sharing a cell in the detox wing with a 28-year-old drug dealer. Perfecto! Doherty has struck up a friendship with a burly ex-streetfighter named Big Boy, who is protecting him . Big Boy will make sure nothing happens to Pete. And late at night, when everyone is fast asleep.... Pete will softly serenade Big Boy with some of his hits, like "Love you but you're green", Who's got the crack, and I Want to Be Yours For Now." Big Boy could even request certain songs! Prison officers are said to treat Doherty like a superstar. As well they should!!
He added that Doherty sleeps on a urine-stained mattress. (Thanks for that addition!!) Pete in happier times