Veronica's parents must be so proud!Criss Angel, the dirty, overrated Las Vegas illusionist who wears horrible clothes and doesn't spell his name right, and once “dated” Britney Spears for publicity, showed off his nasty temper by throwing a tantrum over the weekend when his girlfriend didn’t win the Miss USA contest. Shortly after Angel’s latest publicity hook-up, Miss Nevada USA Veronica Grabowski, didn’t make the finals of the Miss USA pageant at the Planet Hollywood Resort, Angel - who flipped the NBC cameras the bird - wigged out when he saw Las Vegas Review Journal columnist Norm Clarke. Angel was furious that Clarke ran an interview with preliminary judge Sandy Mecca, in which Mecca claimed Angel warned her to give Grabowski “high marks.” Mecca said the comments made her uncomfortable and disturbed pageant owner Donald Trump. When Angel ran into Clarke after the show, he screamed, “You’re a f***ing idiot!” Angel then screeched at Clarke, who wears a patch over his right eye, “Don’t ever write another word about me or you’ll need an eye patch over your other eye.” “Good one,” Clarke shot back “Never heard that one before.” Angel’s rep told Clarke, “It was an emotional night for everyone.”