Earth Papa has been preparing his sermon all day. He will preach to the party of toddlers about their journey in their earth vessels. He will quietly take Suri aside, and tell her: "Now you are two years in earth age, child. Your mother can't be with you anymore. It is time you walk alone." Tom pretends it is a Scientology doctrine. But really, he got it from "Bambi."

"I can't, fellas, Papa said proudly. It wouldn't be fair! "I'm a homo novis, and can move objects with my mind. That ball would go where my mind tells it to!" he shouted, chuckling.

As our little thetan turns two, Earth caretaker, Katie Holmes, prepares a celebration that Suri won't soon forget. Although there will not be traditional gifts at her party, as gifts encourage joy.. something that blocks the pain receptors in the mind.. Katie has alot of fun dvds on hand to keep the party in full swing. What two year old wouldn't want to watch a stack of L. Ron Hubbard dvds, made especially for children?
As a special surprise, Katie purchased the dvd that Suri has been asking for, "The Emotional Tone Scale"
Katie is a sleepwalking zombie, devoid of any human qualities
And that's not all! Katie ordered a special three tiered buttercream and fresh peach cake, decorated with the face of Suri's galaxy father, L. Ron himself! "She will squeal with delight when she sees it," Katie was overheard murmuring to her bodyguard.