The celebrity herself may also be unattractive, but this doesn't matter. She is THE STAR. She sees an ugly husband as an accessory that will never go out of style. He will never say NO to her. He will go where she wants, when she wants. He will ask for nothing but to be in her presence. Such as in the case of Jordan Bratman and Christina Aguilera. He is her chauffeur, never her equal.
The ugly husband will do as he is told, and not bother the star with questions. His unconditional love will make the star seem attractive to others. He will humiliate himself, and turn over his dignity to pose for ridiculous photo shoots

The ugly husband will assure the star of her beauty, even when he thinks he cannot bear the sight or sound of her another moment. Even when she has blackheads on her ears, he will stay silent, for his suffering is further proof of his devotion. When she asks him if she has too much make-up on, or if her hairline resembles a gorilla's, he will soothe her with comforting compliments, even if he doesn't mean them.

He will plead with her adoring fans to give her some space, and protect her with his own life if need be, all the while asking nothing in return. For he is too ugly to find another, and his wife won't let him forget this.
The ugly husband will have the privilege of being seen with the star, and others knowing that he enjoys sexual intimacy with this beauty. Because no one knows that he must beg, and first complete many difficult and tiresome tasks to her satisfaction before this is so. Then, he must perform under the constant pressure of her demands, for if he doesn't, his punishment will be swift and severe.
janet jackson & jermaine dupri
The uglier the husband, the more publicity for a "not so big" star. His ugliness will actually make her more famous and popular in several ways! She will be seen as a kind person for loving someone so ugly, and they will constantly be photographed so that others can discuss how ugly he is, and why she would marry him.
brittany murphy and simon monjack
But wait.. is it possible that the star actually loves her ugly husband? Of course not, and the reason is simple. They can only love themselves, and no one must stand in the way of that
Rene' and Celine Dion
If the star feels that the ugly husband has been responsible for their stardom in any way, the star will suffer any abuse or disrespect at the hands of the ugly spouse, out of debt and gratitude. Such as in the case of Celine Dion, and her ugly old husband Rene'. Rene' has embarrassed Celine time and time again, everything from raping their servants to losing two million of her hard earned dollars in a single night at the poker table.
Sadly, Celine will stand by him, as he reminds her that she would still be living in that hellhole in Canada with her eighteen brothers and sisters if not for his business sense in marketing her at the young age of 13, even mortgaging his home to do it. For with her fame, there was a price. And the price was a lifetime of looking at his face.
Rene agreed to father a child with Celine, but only a girl, as he wanted to guide her to great stardom also. When Celine gave birth to a boy, Rene angrily insisted that the boy must always look like, and be raised as a girl. Celine had no choice but to follow his wishes
Another perk to the star is if the ugly husband happens to have more money than she does. If he is always standing next to her, she will always be beautiful in the eyes of others. She will bask in the glow of his ugliness, and be admired for choosing such an unattractive mate
beyonce and jay-z
Sometimes, a star who is the child of a bigger star will marry someone ugly and older as a form of rebellion. She will show the world that she does as she pleases, and this makes her somehow interesting to the public. For awhile, they may even be fooled into going to her movies
kate hudson and chris robinson
She will go out of her way to play down her fresh, wholesome looks, in favor of smelling of strong body odor, thinking she will be taken more seriously in her film career.
An ugly husband can provide her with credibility in a business that before may just written her off as a giggly teen. Suddenly, she is viewed as deep and insightful, in her willingness to pledge herself to someone this ugly, she is now seen as an enigma, and a serious actor.