Ashton "I have no talent whatsoever" Kutcher agreed to do an interview for Details Magazine, and it was so interesting and revealing! UGH.
Ashton's story is simple. He poses in his underwear, accidentally gets a role on That 70's Show, makes Justin Timberlake cry on TV and then marries a really trashy old woman.

Yet he can't act, sing, and he isn't funny or good looking.
Celebrities and regular people everywhere find him extremely annoying, and every one of his movies has been a BOMB.
Proud Ashton graduates from Cedar Rapids High School

From Details:
His twin brother, Michael, was diagnosed with cerebral palsy.
“I was the kid with the big Coke-bottle glasses, the hearing aid,” says Michael Kutcher, who still lives in Iowa, where he sells retirement plans. “There was a lot of teasing, a lot of the normal mean stuff.”
“That was a big part of my life, kind of looking out for my twin.”
(and just how is it that you look after him now, "ASH?" I know for a fact he lives in a trailer park, and has no money even for the medical procedures he needs. Is that how you take care of a bro? A TWIN? That could have just as easily been you, dumbass.)
On feeling trapped in the role of the “dumb handsome guy.”
“I started to get this attitude about being funny, like, are you laughing at me or with me?” (Um, not WITH YOU, because you aren't funny.) Oh, and P.S.? You aren't handsome. Get over yourself. This is the third interview you've done where YOU bring up the pain and burden of how handsome you (think) you are.
He talked about the moment he decided to get serious with Demi,
“I’ve literally just been voted the world’s most eligible bachelor and I’m like, I’m going off the market. I’ve found the one. If I had thought about it I would have been like, Nah, nah. But what can you do? When you’re in that deep, you can’t think. She was the first person who would call me on my s**t. She didn’t need me. She straight up didn’t need me. She wanted me, but she didn’t need me, so she could put it on the line.”
Okay well that made me sick. First, you brag about how you are LITERALLY the most eligible bachelor IN THE WORLD. Oh, really? By who? A panel on TRL? Please. Do yourself a favor and get over yourself. Demi is nobody in Hollywood, she can't act either. She's famous for being naked (all the time, in movies, in whore mags, when pregnant, etc) and being married to Bruce Willis. What did she PUT ON THE LINE? Her deformed daughters? Her wrinkly knock-knees and over botoxed face? Her bitch personality? Or her $600,000 doll collection? Oh, she needs you. She's a tired old hag. Who was talking about her before you came along? She was rotting away in Idaho, having multiple plastic surgeries. Bad news, farm boy. It's the public that "doesn't need you."
Ashton was absolutely furious when his picture was taken at his Saturday Night Live after party. What an ASS. He should be glad that ANYONE wants his picture. Demi was confused and stumbling, as usual, as her Alzheimer's worsens