The News of the World claims today that the repulsive ex atomic kitten has ignored warnings about the health of her unborn child, reassuring her family and friends: "It's OK - you can wean the baby off the coke afterwards."
"It's only booze that can cause serious damage."

Oh! I wish someone had told me that... think of all the fun I missed!
Kerry is frantic without coke, saying she won't get out of bed.
Kerry in her "heyday"

Friends of the "I'm A Celebrity" star have expressed fears for her unborn baby after claiming Kerry snorts coke as year-old daughter HEIDI sits nearby, as well as smoking 20 menthol cigarettes a day and up to a bottle of wine.

"She is spending more than $200 a day on coke. Her friends have tried to tell her the harm she is doing to herself but she just won't listen."
In one day, the friend says she saw Kerry snort EIGHT lines of cocaine.
On New Years Eve Kerry held a party and by then she was showing that she was pregnant, but she was still openly doing cocaine.
"She offered it to her friends, saying: 'Do you want a line?' You went upstairs with her to her bathroom and she had a bag of cocaine.
"Kerry tipped it out and made lines and then snorted it up her nose. I wasn't shocked, I know what she's like, all her friends know what she's like."